WELS 2020 Call Reports

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Pastor, teacher, and staff minister call report

The call report details when pastors, teachers, and staff ministers change positions within WELS. The Conference of Presidents oversees and coordinates the calling process.

*CRM: “Candidatus Reverendi Ministerii.” This means that a person does not currently hold a divine call but is eligible to receive one. He is a “Candidate for the Holy Ministry.”

*Obituaries: From now on, deaths reported on the call report will only be for called workers who are actively serving at the time of their death or for those who have retired from active ministry. This reflects the current Yearbook policy set by the Conference of Presidents.

View archived call reports – previous to 2020.

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Convention Resources – 2019 Synod Convention

Find the presentations, resources and PDF’s given and presented to the 2019 Synod Convention.

Note: Some presentations have been edited due to security issues. 

Assignment and Call Request

Requests for Called Workers

Requesting a new called worker for your congregation or school, whether you plan to ask for a graduate assignment from one of our worker training schools or call from the field of current workers, is an important process in the life of your ministry. Use the resources provided to give careful consideration to the request and appropriate communication to the candidate you call.

Request a Graduate Assignment or Call List

Please note: WELS Cloud login required for request form

Emergency Teacher Requests

Emergency Teacher Candidate Request – Needed Information

Call List Requests Questionnaire

Additional information for Principal requests
Additional information for Early Childhood Ministry Director requests

Assignment Requests

Assignment request information and instructions
Sample letter to teacher assignment candidate
Sample letter to pastor assignment candidate
WELS New Teacher Induction Information

Common Resources

Call document, teacher
Call document, early childhood ministry director
Call document, staff minister
Call document, pastor single congregation
Call document, pastor dual congregation



WELS 2019 Call Reports

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Pastor, teacher, and staff minister call report

The call report details when pastors, teachers, and staff ministers change positions within WELS. The Conference of Presidents oversees and coordinates the calling process.

*CRM: “Candidatus Reverendi Ministerii.” This means that a person does not currently hold a divine call but is eligible to receive one. He is a “Candidate for the Holy Ministry.”

*Obituaries: From now on, deaths reported on the call report will only be for called workers who are actively serving at the time of their death or for those who have retired from active ministry. This reflects the current Yearbook policy set by the Conference of Presidents.

View archived call reports – previous to 2019.