Scouting Bible Study

The Conference of Presidents was asked to review the current Scouting organization to determine whether Scouting has changed in a way that would remove the objectionable features.

In a twelve-lesson study on Scouting prepared under the auspices of the Conference of Presidents for use in our congregations, Scripture and quotations taken directly from Scouting resources point out that essentially nothing in Scouting has changed.

Foreign Travel Insurance

The Foreign Travel Insurance Request form must be completed within 90 but not less than 30 days prior to the commencement of travel. No coverage will be provided for any travel unless the online form has been completed and approved. Please make sure that you take this time requirement into your trip planning timeline.

International travelers are advised to make no travel arrangements until the travel request has been approved by WELS. Please visit for travel advisories.

Complete the online Foreign Travel Insurance Request form.

Report to the Twelve Districts 2018 – Online Reports

The Report to the Twelve Districts, put out in even years, reports the work of the synod to the districts for their conventions.

Documents from the WELS Conference of Presidents

The following documents are provided by the Conference of Presidents to help WELS congregations. The documents available for download include:

Synod Convention Presentations

The PowerPoint presentations and videos available below were presented at the 2017 Synod Convention, July 31-Aug. 3, at Luther Preparatory School, Watertown, Wis. The presentations and videos may contain information that delegates find valuable as they share the convention proceedings with their local congregations.


Additional addendum resources:
Jon Hein – Demographic Study video
Earle Treptow – Compensation Calculator Demo video
Earle Treptow – Supporting Called Workers Bible Study video


Tuesday morning session video
Tuesday afternoon session video
Wednesday morning session video
Wednesday afternoon session video


Note: No special guests or missions presentations will be available due to security protocol.

*due to linked data of multiple files, a PDF is provided instead of a PowerPoint.